I had great reviews from the kids about our new Charlotte Mason style schedule that we implemented today. They have no idea who the idea was modeled from but by the looks of it, it wouldn't matter much. As I type a quick post from my laptop in my dining room the boys are now working like young men and shoveling rocks to clear a space to build something. Yes, they are using their free time constructively. Mind you this was only after they had snack, chores and used an hour of screen time. I'm glad to hear that at least for now they are working together outside.
Here is an idea of what our day was like today. We started school a little after 8am only because we were setting up our schooling in the TV/living room to watch the Inauguration live on television. After opening devotion and prayers for our school day and for the incoming president I had the two oldest one copy a poem neatly either in handwriting or printing while I worked with Racer my kindergartner with his printing. Next I gave each of the older two grammar pages. Dancer had one on different verb uses such as past, present and future tenses and Sport practiced subject and predicates. Keep in mind that these lessons are brief and to the point. Just the amount of time that a child is able to pay attention.
After grammar I gave them a choice for a pre writing assignment. Here is the list of choices I gave them to choose from:
1. You are an Egyptian pharaoh explain how your life is.
2. You are an Egyptian pharaoh who has passed away please describe your funeral and burial process.
3. You are an archaeologist and have stumbled upon a burial chamber that is yet to be discovered within a lost pyramid please describe your discoveries/findings.
Sport and Dancer both chose the last one and jotted down some ideas for their writing assignments this week. Next, was reading and spelling practice followed up with Math, history and an Artist tea. I will post soon with pictures of our History and Artist Tea with details of how to plan one each week in your homeschool.
Here is a quick time frame of our day if you would like this for your own reference. I do enjoy having a guide for my day but my ultimate guide right now that I am leaning on is my Lord, Jesus. His plan for my day may be totally different from one day to the next. Remember it is just a guide. Blessings, Amy
Poetry Memory
Artist Tea
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
Looks like your CM style is flowing beautifully!
Blessings on a new way of schooling!
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