Last week the kids and I had the chance to practice our mummy wrapping skills, thanks to the idea found on Jamin's homeschool blog.
I purchased one barbie and two Ken dolls from the Thrift store in town. Dancer wanted to keep all of them but I had to explain to her that it wouldn't be possible. She was happy is settling just for the new doll clothes that they arrived in.
Since this was going to be a big project I broke it down into several days. Tuesday afternoon we prepared the body for the process of mummification. I discussed with the kids what would happen to the body before it was wrapped. We pretended to remove the organs from the dolls and Dancer needed to cut her Barbie's hair very short.
After the organs were removed and the hair was cut. We prepared the spices to preserve the body. The spices we mixed were Cinnamon, nutmeg, red wine vinegar and olive oil. The kids shook them up in a baby food jar and used paint brushes to preserve the body.
Once this was complete we put them aside until a few days later. The real mummification process took about 70 days from start to finish.
The kids then dipped each strip in the paste, scrapped off some of the excess mixture and wrapped the dolls.
Once all the dolls were wrapped we left them to dry.
On Friday I had the kids construct and design their own tomb for their pharaoh. We used file folders that were folded and cut in a box shape.
I hope you can get inspired to try your hand at making a mummy with your kids sometime soon.
So cool! I love it and the costumes look great. I'm trying to get into sewing but finding the time has been the key. (sigh)
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