Happy New Year!
I love the start of a new year! Setting goals, beginning new things, new challenges, new ideas a fresh start, great time to rethink goals and to clean and organize our homes and lives. I'm not very good at setting and keeping New Year's resolutions. I admire and marvel at those who can. I had fun following the one year crock potting meal blog. She had a made a resolution to use her crockpot everyday for a full year. She was even featured on many TV shows that followed her endeavor. I don't think I am quite capable or patient enough to come up with 365 different meal ideas. I have enough trouble cooking for my own family each night.
I'm still thinking about what goals I would like to set for this New Year. I would love to be able to read the Bible completely in one year. I always have the best intentions but seem to peter out as the year rolls along. I have read through the entire Bible but not in one year. It took me a lot longer than that.
Maybe the goal I should set for myself would be to complete things that I have started. I have so many unfinished projects that plague my home. I am very capable of doing this but I am prone to be swamped ideas and not enough time to finish them. Then I come up with a new idea and move on. I think this would be a great goal to set for myself...not to begin another project until I finish the one that I am working on.
This will be a challenge in of itself. I have so many interests.
Here are some other things I would like to do this New Year...
Scrapbook our vacation pages. I am so behind years I believe....
Quilt with my daughter a small doll blanket.
A club house for the boys.
Finish a few unfinished projects around here.( I will get back to you on these later.)
Happy New Year and set some goals for yourself.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
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