We hosted our first Artist tea. It was nothing real elaborate. In fact it was just quickly thrown together quickly with the help of the kids. I pulled out some fancy luncheon glass plates and class punch cups. My boys are not tea drinkers like my daughter and I are. Luckily I had some cranberry juice on hand. They enjoyed juice while eating crackers, salami slices and cherries.
We are currently studying Picasso and the picture of our focus today was Guitar and Mandolin. Here is a picture of it.

I had the kids pick out the colors, patterns, shapes, and lines. They pointed out that the picture looked like a face.
We also discussed the style of Cubism that Picasso used and what sets Cubism apart from other styles. It was Picasso along with another artist that first began to use the Cubism style.
After the short sharing time of the painting the kids cut out a colored copy of the painting and glued it on to a artist note booking page. You can find them here http://www.notebookingpages.com/ ; they are free to download.
Go ahead and try to host an Artist tea with your kids. You can make it as simple or elaborate as you like. Your kids will enjoy it and it is a relaxing event to add to you day.
Your tea time sounds wonderful! We started out the year with tea and a small snack during artist/composer study, but the tea and snacks haven't been happening as much lately. Looks like I need to be more thoughtful about it again - it's such a precious time together!
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