How did that happen?? Summer is just about over and where did all the time go this summer. This summer has been so full with a list of endless events. From vacations to birthday parties the time just flew by too quickly. Just this past five days I have been busy teaching 29 kindergartners in my youngest son's class at VBS. I had so much fun and look forward to seeing them today for a huge summer snow day our church is hosting for all the kids and any additional more who would like to join for some cool and free fun. I look forward to seeing the kids I had in my class. They were a joy. In all our church hosted just shy of 500 kids everyday from age 3 to just completed 5th grade. We had over 70 kids who made the decision to accept Jesus as their Savior...Praise God for this! The kids had a blast coming everyday and many of them were sad that it had come to an end. If you are interested in seeing pictures our church has a new website and check out the summer section titled VBS 2008. There you will find slide shows from each of the five days.
Yes, the plan is to start school this Monday! Yikes! I'm almost ready. I have some last few things to prepare for my three munchkins. If you are curious what we will be studying this year here is a quick run down....
My Sport Nut (5th grade)
-Character Quality Language Arts Vol. 3 Level A
-More handwriting practice (this was one of our struggles last year-I need to give more individual attention to this one)
-English from the roots up 3x a week
-Spelling Power word lists
-Reading Comprehension (Assigned Readers)
-Teaching Textbooks Math 7
-Ancient History (Adam to Messiah)
-Creation vs. Evolution in Science followed by Christian kids explore Physics ( This is not your high school level Physics.. no need to panic..)
-Plenty of Art, PE, life study skills,AWANA, Home Ec and a new boy group involvement called Contenders of the Faith for boys.
MY Dancer (3rd Grade)
-Character Quality Language Arts Vol. 3 Level Pre-A
-Handwriting Practice
-Spelling Power word lists
-English from the Roots Up
-Reading Comprehension (Assigned Readers)
-Math 3 workbook review and firm up Math skills until Teaching Textbooks Math 4 hopefully is ready this winter for ordering.
-Ancient History (Adam to Messiah)
-Creation vs. Evolution in Science followed by Christian kids Explore Physics
-Plenty of Art,PE life study skills, AWANA, Home EC and a new girl group involvement called American Heritage Girls.
My Race car Driver (kindergarten)
-Phonics K review and to complete the book
-Explode the Code more Phonics review when K book is completed.
-Printing practice
-Lots of Reading with Mom and to Mom
-Math 1
-Unit Studies we will be working on this year: Bible Characters and major events such as Noah and his Ark, holidays and why we celebrate them, my community, family tree, Pledge of Allegiance, and a few Science and nature ideas thrown into the mix too. Lots of lapbook creations with these units.
Well those are my plans they are never set in stone I have learned over my many years of homeschooling. You ask how many this will be my 6th official year of homeschooling but really I began from birth with all of them.
Plans are never to be set in stone. Days change, events and opportunities arise and I want to be especially open to God to be the lead of our days. HE may have a teachable moment for all of of us here at Homeplate to learn from. We shall see.
Blessings and have a great weekend!
PS. My hope is to add more pictures soon....
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
Hi Amy,
Yes the summer is flying by - not ready for all this yet, but ready or not, here it comes.
Sounds like some great school plans! Wow, your oldest must love math to be so advanced! Our Ladybug will be doing Teaching Textbooks 6 this year and is so excited. We will start school Sept. 8th - we are excited, but I have to get about 2 months of work around the house/farm done before then. lol
Have a great weekend! Look forward to hearing all about your school year & first week.
I can't believe how fast the summer went by too! I hope you have a great start to your school year!
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