There was concerning court decision that was handed down on February 29, 2008 from a second court judge that could affect homeschoolers here in the state of California. Here is the court document to read for yourself in it's entirety
Please pray that God will spare homeschoolers here in California. Christian Homeschool legal groups are already taking up this case and will fight this verdict. If this verdict should hold true Homeschooling will be found illegal in the state of California. Even those who homeschool under an ISP or through a Charter. The only form of education that will be allowed in the courts eyes is through public/private or to be taught by a credentialed tutor. Our precious freedom of homeschooling will be lost here in the state of California.
If you are reading this blog from another state please pray with me during this time that this will be overturned because if should hold true it can have ugly ramifications for other states as well. Deterioration of our freedoms that we hold true!
Here are more articles on it....
Prayerful blessings,
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
I will definitely pray.
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