It's always hard getting back into the swing of things after a long weekend. Well, the turkey leftovers are all eaten and the last of the apple pie is almost gone. Yum Yum!
We had a busy school week last week with crafts, cooking and other thanksgiving hosting preparations. We opened up our home to a total of 13 family members. A merry and filling time was had by all.
The rest of the weekend was spent resting and having fun as a family. On Saturday we saw the new movie Enchanted. It was very well done. Coco was a dreamy state all day long after seeing the movie.
We put off decorating the house until next weekend. I just needed some down time before decorating for the next big major event Christmas. Luckily, our Christmas shopping is going very well. We are a lot further ahead tan compared to last year. Even with adopting a family for Christmas through the Salvation Army this year hasn't set us back, timing wise. There are still packages to be wrapped and other home made gifts to be started and finished along with my long list of to dos. I hoping to really savor the season this year. To do this I'm looking into studying different Christmas hymns with the children. This should really help us get into the Christmas spirit around here and keep is grounded in why we celebrate this blessed event every year.
This week we off studying about Washington in our State unit adventure. I will try to post this Saturday about our week. It should be fun!
Enjoy this time of year! Sip some hot cocoa for me and watch a good old Christmas favorite.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
What a great picture of you and your family! We are going to put up our tree and other decorations this coming week!
Hi Kelli,
Thank you! We bought our tree just this weekend and it is still bare. Tonight we will decorate it, drink hot cocoa and listen to Christmas music. The kids can't wait!
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