Saturday November 17, 2007
This is our last week learning about California. We have spent just four weeks learning about the history, natural resources and extra stuff about our state. Four weeks just isn't enough time to accomplish everything. Sadly, I never got to have an orange party for the oranges that are grown here. I guess I can save the idea for our study on Florida.
This week the focus was on bridges and earthquakes. I wanted to tie in a little more Science. Our unit was heavy on history so I thought this would be a great way to sneak in some needed Science. Since our week was short with a holiday, field trip and co-op I had to pick ideas that would get to the point quickly.

Here is what we learned about earthquakes:I taught the kids about the interior of the earth. For instance, the inner and outer core. Then we talked about the plates. I showed them how the plates are drifting an pushing together using play-doh. Then we reviewed earthquake safety. What we do in the event of an earthquake. We still need to update our earthquake bins with fresh water and throw out expired food. If we have time this coming week during our Thanksgiving break we will try to get this done.
At co-op on Thursday the kids got to make a seismograph. We still need to test it out on the spin cycle on our washing machine.

We had fun learning about the different types of bridges. The kids learned how caissons were made with a quick Science experiment. They learned that the Golden Gate is a suspension bridge. The construction and history of it. They even had to construct it using our dining room chairs and string. Here are some pictures to share:

Here are the books that we read this week:-Golden Gate Bridge by Jennifer Fandel
-Bridges by Carol Johmann
-Earthquakes by David Harrison
- Pop's Bridge by Eve Bunting
-Francis the Earthquake Dog by Judith Ross Enderle
-The Earth Dragon Awakes by Laurence Yep
_ We also finished The Ballad of Lucy Whipple by Karen Cushman this week..Yeah!
Next week will be a light week of reading and fun Thanksgiving crafts and prep for the big day. I'm hoping to get back to our Vincent Van Gogh study. I had to put it on the back burner with all the busyness around here. The week after Thanksgiving we will be learning about Washington. It's my week to lead co-op too. I'm thinking I'll have the kids construct a volcano. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Take this time of the year to reflect on the many blessing the Lord has provided for you this year. Praise His name! For He is Lord!
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