It's always hard getting back into the swing of things after a long weekend. Well, the turkey leftovers are all eaten and the last of the apple pie is almost gone. Yum Yum!
We had a busy school week last week with crafts, cooking and other thanksgiving hosting preparations. We opened up our home to a total of 13 family members. A merry and filling time was had by all.
The rest of the weekend was spent resting and having fun as a family. On Saturday we saw the new movie Enchanted. It was very well done. Coco was a dreamy state all day long after seeing the movie.
We put off decorating the house until next weekend. I just needed some down time before decorating for the next big major event Christmas. Luckily, our Christmas shopping is going very well. We are a lot further ahead tan compared to last year. Even with adopting a family for Christmas through the Salvation Army this year hasn't set us back, timing wise. There are still packages to be wrapped and other home made gifts to be started and finished along with my long list of to dos. I hoping to really savor the season this year. To do this I'm looking into studying different Christmas hymns with the children. This should really help us get into the Christmas spirit around here and keep is grounded in why we celebrate this blessed event every year.
This week we off studying about Washington in our State unit adventure. I will try to post this Saturday about our week. It should be fun!
Enjoy this time of year! Sip some hot cocoa for me and watch a good old Christmas favorite.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Turkey Leftovers
Posted by Mom of Many Hats at 3:34 PM 2 comments
Labels: Thanksgiving 07
Saturday, November 17, 2007
California Study: Bridges and Earthquakes
We had fun learning about the different types of bridges. The kids learned how caissons were made with a quick Science experiment. They learned that the Golden Gate is a suspension bridge. The construction and history of it. They even had to construct it using our dining room chairs and string. Here are some pictures to share:
-Golden Gate Bridge by Jennifer Fandel
-Bridges by Carol Johmann
-Earthquakes by David Harrison
- Pop's Bridge by Eve Bunting
-Francis the Earthquake Dog by Judith Ross Enderle
-The Earth Dragon Awakes by Laurence Yep
_ We also finished The Ballad of Lucy Whipple by Karen Cushman this week..Yeah!
Next week will be a light week of reading and fun Thanksgiving crafts and prep for the big day. I'm hoping to get back to our Vincent Van Gogh study. I had to put it on the back burner with all the busyness around here. The week after Thanksgiving we will be learning about Washington. It's my week to lead co-op too. I'm thinking I'll have the kids construct a volcano. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Take this time of the year to reflect on the many blessing the Lord has provided for you this year. Praise His name! For He is Lord!
Posted by Mom of Many Hats at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: California Unit, Earthquakes Fall 07, Golden Gate bridge
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Eureka! California Gold Rush
We found out that an ounce of gold back then was priced at $21.00. I had my oldest, Chip do the conversions and weighing. The winner would be named the best "forty-niner" in the family.
Chip learned that there are 28 grams in one ounce. After weighing he discovered that each kid did not even have an ounce or a half ounce. Coco had a quarter of an ounce. He calculated roughly $5.25. Baba from what I remember had earned $3.33. Chip had $2.25. I think more eating and less digging took place with the boys. Coco was our mighty "forty-niner"!
On Thursday we had a field trip to the Western Heritage Museum. We enjoyed a docent led tour about the Gold Rush and the Indian Culture. The Gold Rush event was educational and hands on for the kids. The lady was impressed that our kids were so knowledgeable. The kids got to outfitted as gold miners and to experience panning for gold. If you are ever in the Los Angeles area you must visit the Western Heritage Museum. You must preregister in advance to do the docent led program.
That's all Folks!
Posted by Mom of Many Hats at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ca Gold Rush study fall 07, Western Heritage Museum field trip
Our Classroom Mascots
Posted by Mom of Many Hats at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: New Kitties fall 07
More about our Mission Study
November 3, 2007
I'm actually posting this a week later. After the kids were sick two weeks ago I ended up getting a sinus infection. My head was so stuffy and it was quite painful. We still managed to do school even if it was from my bed. The kids enjoyed it and asked the following Monday if we were going to be doing that again. Here are some photos from our California study on missions and Halloween snapshots of the kids.
Here are the kids pumpkins that they carved. Baba had the most fun. He wanted to save all of his seeds to replant them for next year. Sadly, each year I keep forgetting to plant seeds in the summer. One year I did it with the kids our pumpkins were huge. Hopefully, this year I will make a better point to do this.
Here are the two boys in their costumes. Coco was too sick to join in the fun at church that night. I stayed home with her. We watched movies and ate candy. I was too cold that night for a young girl with a terrible cough. Baba's costume will come in handy when we study Lewis and Clark in a few weeks. I will have to save this costume for Baba's kids one day.
We added sand to the paint for the walls. It help give it more texture. Just the two older kids worked on this project.
Chip also wrote a report about the San Juan Bautista Mission. We added a board with pictures from our trip to the mission too. Coco wrote a report on Father Serra.
Next week we will be learning about the California Gold Rush. Here is a list of books:
- Mission San Juan Bautusta by Allison Draper
-Father Junipero Serra by Sarah Bowler
-How they Lived a Mission Padre by David Stienecker
-Nine for California by Sonia Levitin
Posted by Mom of Many Hats at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: CA Mission study 07, Harvest Party 07