Hello Everyone,
We officially began our summer break from school yesterday June 4th. We have a busy summer filled with trips this year. For starters we are leaving mid June for a 15 day trip that will take us into Idaho to meet up with friends and from their travel to Washington state and stay in Olympic National Park with an overnight stay in Victoria, Canada. I will be waking up this year on my birthday morning in a foreign country this year. What a treat that will be. From there we will head to Astoria, Oregon to visit the Lewis and Clark points of interest and make several other stops along the way back home to California.
Then in July we will be spending a weekend in Mexico on a church family mission trip. This should be a great starter for getting our feet wet in Missions work for the whole family.
Another week in July our oldest will be away for one week at church camp. I'm already having Mommy/son withdrawals and it isn't even yet July. I will probably be a basket case by then.
Then it is VBS in August with school starting just around the corner.
So in between all the packing and unpacking I plan on relaxing, taking naps when possible, reading and crafting when I can.
So what are your plans for this summer?
P.S. This seems to be the summer of pets. My husband found a tiny bird outside that must of fallen out of a nest. He is not injured in any way but has not learned to fly yet. Today I had the privilege to and feed him with a syringe. Not only did we find a bird in our yard but mu dancing daughter found a small lizard. This lizard is only an inch long. Now our home plate has two cats, two rabbits, a tiny lizard and a temporary wild bird. We did have a few fish just last week but they died. My dancing daughter has been bouncing around all day lovingly caring of them all. She still has a list and a request for more animals. I mentioned to her if we are good stewards with the ones God has given us, He will bless her with more. She feels God is blessing her with an baby bird to care for and a tiny lizard too. This put a giant smile on my face and my heart.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
Happy Summer! It sounds like you have some really fun plans. We are going to a few VBS's, taking swim lessons and training our new puppy. :0)
Have fun and enjoy your summer break!
Yeah, you made it to summer break! It sounds like a good one. We will be home most of this summer. The girls have 1-room-schoolhouse reenactment (day camp) next week. Next week also starts Summer Youth Theater where they will be doing Schoolhouse Rock (community theatre)that will take up their afternoons for 6 weeks. It will be hard having them gone every afternoon M-TH, but maybe I can get caught up on some scrapbooking.
Lots of travel for you. Let me know when you plan on coming to MN. :)
I can't wait to see the pictures of you teaching that little bird how to fly. :) Fun stuff!
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