July 3, 2007
Our home this summer has been very busy. Every summer I tend to do the same thing each year. I make a mental list of projects I hope to accomplish. It's a sort of wish list. It never really gets fully accomplished. I always have big aspirations. This year however the Lord has decided something else for me instead this year. Let me explain, aside from our numerous party/ family gatherings and the kids summer stuff we have been taking care of my Dad. He is recovering from major surgery. He will be staying with us a few weeks this summer. It is has its challenges and blessings too. The kids are enjoying it tremendously. Chip loves to share baseball stories. Coco loves to help pamper him and Baba just enjoys seeing him.
I can see the Lords hand in all of this I'm enjoying the time with my Dad and the kids are learning to be a real servant and to be more self sufficient too.
So in between meals and clean up I have been attempting to catch up on my scrapbooking. I am several years behind but hey I figure one has to start somewhere!
I'm off to tackle the pile of pictures.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
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