This year I decided to add Geography to our lessons. Yes, the kids get plenty of Geography from their history studies but I was looking for something a little more relevant for today especially since our time period we will be studying this year is from 30AD to 1799.
With my younger two students I chose to use Ambelside online's Charlotte Mason geography. It is available directly from their website and for Free! Can't beat this. It is a great introduction to Geography and so simple to use. Charlotte Mason breaks it down earth as a planet, days/nights, seasons, hemispheres, etc.
The lesson I will share with you today was from the section about how the earth revolves and rotates. I combined it with the next lesson on poles, axes and hemispheres too.
After reading this section with the kids and demonstrating the concept of rotating and revolving with the kids. I had each one role play the earth and the sun. Spinning around each other slowly.
Next I had them color a picture of our earth. By doing a google search I found a coloring page of the earth.
After they colored their earth pages I had them fold it in half and cut it along the fold. Once that was done. They pasted them onto a piece of construction paper.
From here Dancer who is in fourth grade this year needed to label north and south pole, equator and both hemispheres from her memory. Great way to practice her narration/memory skills. My youngest, Racer told me verbally and pointed while I wrote it for him.
Here is the finished example.
I hope you are able to use this for your homeschooling lessons. Enjoy!
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