This year in our Science studies we are learning about the Human body. We are using Fulbright's book Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy & Physiology. The first two weeks is about the cell structure and what better way to learn about it, is to build a model of it. This particular activity was not in the course work but I added it in. We spread the activity over the course of three to four days. It could be completed in one day but we chose to do it in smaller chunks.

To begin I purchased a Styrofoam disc from our local craft shop and some modeling clay. All of the cell parts except for the cell membrane and cytoplasm were made using the clay. A marker was used for the cell membrane and a piece of plastic wrap glued down to represent the cytoplasm.
As you can see push pins came in handy to tack everything in place as well as a label maker. If you don't have one labels can always be hand written.
It helped tremendously in information retention. The kids enjoyed making them as well.
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