Last week during one of my oldest son's Science experiment things got very interesting around here. Luckily I have a rule in my home, Mom or Dad must be home when our children decide to conduct an experiment. Fortunately I was because if I hadn't we many not have a home to come home to.
If your kids love Science like mine tend or if they have a tendency to rush when reading through directions or decide to do something when Mom is running around and is going to be late if we don't get out of the house in about 20 minutes. Don't you love it. Yes, they just wait until the very last moment to squeeze it in. I know you are wondering, what experiment were you allowing your child to conduct??? It was an experiment out of his Science book about oxygen and fire. Inside that balloon water bottle is yeast mixed with vinegar. Pressure or in this case oxygen was building up inside the balloon. Next to it is a candle with a once precious glass Dancer won at a carnival by tossing dimes inside of it.
After the balloon was filled he was to take the balloon off the bottle and let the air to SLOWLY be released inside the cup. Apparently he tried bless his heart. In his attempt a large flame shot out and the glass broke into a ton of pieces.
Thank God I was home and the fire didn't spread.
Oh the joys of homeschooling...There is never a dull moment around here for entertainment or learning!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago