On my last post about Latin I vented about my frustrations with Latin. If I had trouble understanding it, how was I going to be able to teach it. This time I share with you an update on how we are doing.
Well....I haven't thrown the towel in yet. We're just about to finish four weeks of school. Hard to believe this... We have been averaging just two days a week of Latin. We are keeping the lessons short just 20 to 30 minutes. Small chunks of information at one time. They are understanding it and I AM TOO! Yeah!!
So far my kids have learned about why learning Latin is useful, different types of nouns, masculine and feminine nouns and over 10 vocabulary words and words that derive from them. In addition to all of this the kids have been learning the history of Rome too.
My biggest prayer is that we can maintain this momentum and enthusiasm about Latin. That we can recall things we have learned and to put it to use.
I will keep you posted again soon.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
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