I appologize for not blogging lately. Life has gotten in the way. My freetime has been spent going to Sport's baseball games, studying and finally purchasing next years curriculum, attending too many amuzement parks.
This is the second year our eldest son Sport has signed up for the local Pony league baseball league. Before this he was involved in our Church T-ball baseball program. Last year we had a positive first year with the Pony league but this year has been a real challenge for my hubby and I as well as Sport. His coach this year has the win-win attitude which is good but he can be extremely hard and negative on the little guys. Mind you this is just 9 & 10 year olds out on the field. I being a Moma bear just want to protect my cub and yank him from the team. My hubby on the otherhand has been holding me back every step of the way.
I share this with my readers for two reasons. One is to vent obviously and to explain to you that my husband saw something more important that was taking place during the practices and games than I had. Our son was learning there are different styles of coaches in this world positive ones and negative ones. We have been able to use this year as a learning stepping stone into the real world. Sometimes there will be people in this world that we just cannot please. We serve our duty as a team member to play our part or to serve our role. We also pray earnestly for those who we are serving under in this case a hot headed coach. We have made a point to pray each day for this coach and let me share with you his attitude is softening. Now I don't know if it is due to the countless prayers for him or for the fact that we have no way of making it to the playoffs. But I do know this he has been happier a little more relaxed around the kids and they have been winning! Too Bad the coach hadn't tried this attitude approach sooner he could be smelling victory at the end of this season.
Yes, our school year is almost over and I finally have an idea and a plan of what my munchkins will be learning about next year. We have enjoyed four years learning different unit studies with the help of KONOS. For next year, I decided to sadly put it on the back burner. I had been praying for several years for a chronological history program that does not put such a heavy focus on foreign gods or mythology. I finally found that in Heart of Wisdom by Sampson. I ordered her HOW book in January and read it in about a week I believe. Her philiosohy and history of education is right on track. I am looking forward to beginning next year teaching the kids the history of Adam to Messiah. This will include Summerian, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek and Hebrew history as well. For Science we will be covering Creation vs. Evolution for my older two, Light, Energy, Matter, Motion and Electricity.
I still have plenty of planning anf getting things ready for next year but I am looking forward to it.
Yes, learning about motion should have been taught this year. We have been to more amuzement parks this year than ever before. We enjoyed Disneyland for Dancer's 8th birthday, California Adventure as part of the 2fer deal and just yesterday we were at Legoland for their homeschool day. The family had so much fun and our Cowboy couldn't believe everything was made out of legos. He was awe at Thomas the train made out of legos as well as Las Vegas, New York, California and areas of the southern state repicas. We hadn't been there since I was pregnant with our little Cowboy and my that park has gotten bigger. There is a chance we will be going back to Legoland. Yesterday, we showed our ticket stubs to Guest Relations booth to claim five free return tickets that must be used before June 15th. The kids were excited about this!!!! What a deal a discount and then a freebie.
In the next few days I will try to post some pictures for you from our Lego land and or California Adventure. I also will need to add some information about our 50 state study. Can you believe this is our final week on the 50 states. Today and tomorrow we will be learning about Alaska and then Hawaii on Thursday. I'm burning out quickly on this state study and our notebooks prove it. We did so many pages on the earltier states learned and have petered out toward the end. Yes, the end is near.. Finally. A wrap up family 50 state party is in my planning notebook of things to do this week. Dancer would like to have a Hersey candy bar eating contest in honor of Pennsylvania. Yummy....Hmmmm I will have to plan some fun things for this one.
Blessings to all of you,
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
I'm so sorry to hear about the coach, but happy to hear that your prayers are being answered. Fun pictures from your trip too - yes, studying motion would be good. I'm afraid that the older I get, those rides are just a bit much - another interesting phenomenon. :) It was so nice spending some time at your place tonight! A good reminder that I need to come here more often, but alas, I must needs head for the barn now. Have a good evening my friend!
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