I apologize for this late in coming post. Last weekend we were out of town so this Southwest State post will be short and sweet. We spent 3 days at a cabin with friends in the Sequoia National forest. The kids had a blast. It was like a giant sleep over. Lots of play, hiking, eating and sight seeing. I will post some pictures soon. Right now I will give a quick glimpse of what we did for our second week desert study....
We learned about the dust bowl state, Oklahoma on Monday. We topped it off by watching the musical Oklahoma. My dancer loved the singing and dancing numbers and the beautiful colorful dresses in the show.
Tuesday we moved on to the Lone star state of Texas. My little cowboy was excited that we got to revisit Davey Crockett. We learned about the events of the Alamo and watched the Disney version of the Alamo.
Wednesday we explored caves and learned what animals and plant life can survive in caves. Since Carlsbad Caverns is located in New Mexico we also learned about stalagcyites and stalagmites. Sadly, we had so much preparation for our trip that we will have to set up our stalagcyite and stalagmite experiment for another time.
We also took the time this week to finish our desert diorama. The kids painted their desert animals and added sand. They came out looking great.
Here is a list of books that we read this week...
- S is for Sooner: An Oklahoma Alphabet by Devin Scilian
- Dust for Dinner by Ann Turner
- Welcome to the USA Oklahoma by Ann Heinrichs
- Welcome to the USA Texas by Ann Heinrichs
- The Alamo by Dennis Brindell Fradin
- The Inside-Outside book of Texas by Roxie Munro
- The Story of the Alamo by Norman Richards
- Pecos Bill by Steven Kellogg
- Let's Take a Field Trip to a Cave by Kathy Furgang
- Welcome to the USA New Mexico by Ann Heinrichs
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
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