On Sunday September 30th we hosted our Frontier Harvest Party. I will share with you some of the highlights and happenings of our day.
Since the party was at 12:30 on a Sunday afternoon, wehad lunch right a way to fill those empty hungry tummies. We had fried chicken, potato salad, green salad, fruit, rolls and lemonade. After lunch, the kids did their presentations. Chip talked about the different homes that people lived in and shared a Bible verse from memory. Coco shared about the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Baba played a quick tune on his homemade fiddle. Then it was time for watermelon spitting contest. I couldn't beleive it would be so difficult to find a watermelon with black seeds in it. Not that many stores carry seeded watermelons. Luckily, my Mom found one at a store. The kids did a great job spitting their seeds along the sidewalk. We kept track of the winner
After spitting seeds the kids tried their skills at jumprope. We timed to see who was the longest jumper. For the little ones who needed help we taught them how to skip rope. It was a hot California day. This didn't stop the kids from jumping though.
Once the winner was found in the jumprope contest, the kids participated in hoop rolling. Our driveway has some bumps in it from tree roots; this helped the hoops travel far.
After the hoops had rolled and the winner was marked down we had some yummy dessert. There was pumpkin and apple pie. Then it was time for a game of Blind Mans Bluff. I changed it to be "Prairie dog." The blind person was trying to locate their lost prairie dog. The blind man was alowed to say prairie dog and the kids would bark in response. No injuries were reported of stubed toes or scraped knees.
Once all the prairie dogs were located the kids had fun dunking their heads in the cool water for their chance to get an apple. This was messy, but cool fun. My daughter was so desperate to grab one that she just about climb into the tub to try. It was so hard for her and others who had missing front teeth. I had to teach them a trick to grip the apples stem.
Yummy Victory!!
Awards were handed out. Here is a
picture of our winners.
Here are some group shots.... If you are a fellow homeschooler I hope you try this unit at home. The kids had so much fun at the wrap up party. It is a favorite around here to finish our units with a bang. It gives the kids a chance to show off what they have learned and for others to have some food and fun. The unit we begin next week is States and Regions. Lots of fun projects and food stuff to share with you in the weeks ahead. Take care and God's blessings to you on this fall day!
P.S. Clean up was a snap for the frontier folks that day. Two of my little ones wanted to climb into the metal tub for a quick cool bath. (Smile!)
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