Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some Fun Projects to share with you...

I have two projects to share with all of you that we have been working on in our schooling this year. The first one is an beautiful craft project I found on the the Crayola website. I love snatching quick and easy projects from that site to do with the kids. I'm afraid I don't remember the title of the project.

It was quite simple to make and the result is a beautiful fall craft display for your home. First, take a pice of white contruction paper and have your child fold it into fourths. Basically fold once and then a second time to fold into a square shape and unfold. Next have them choose four colors and have them color very dark with a marker into each box. Once that is done have them collect four leaves around your yard or neighborhood and these will be painted on one side with gold paint and pressed down on to each separate colored square as shown above.

Once it is dried you will carefully slit lines with an exacto knife about a half of an inch apart. Be sure not to slit all the way to the bottom of the sheet. Once that is completed have your child take some bamboo sticks (we pre painted ours gold) and carefully weave the sticks in a basic weave pattern on to the art project. Here is a photo of it.

The other finished project that I can shre with you today is our dinosaur lapbook. Here it is finally. You can find all the links to make one for yourself at http://www.homeschoolshare.com/

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sorry for the long Break....

I apologize for my absence. I have been neglecting my blog lately. Life has been busy around here lately. What have I been up to you ask. Well, aside from schooling the start of every group that our family is involved has now begun. What are they you ask. Soccer for the two boys, ballet for my Dancer, AWANA and Bible study and Homeschool Park Days. We have added a couple of new ones to the mix too this year. Contenders of the Faith for the boys, American Heritage Girls and a twice monthly Friday School. The last two groups luckily only meet twice a month right before our scheduled park days. Otherwise I would not have signed up for either of these.

We also finished our dinosaur lapbooks and will be sharing those very soon. Today we begun our new spine book on Physics. Sport is looking forward to this and I'm hoping to add plenty of lapbooks to help spice things up too.

My hubby and I painted the living room this weekend. It came out very nice. We have had off white walls in our living room for years. We finally made the switch by adding some color and I just love it. It's funny, aside from our hallway being white every room is a shade of color.

Here is a picture to share with you before I leave you all again. It is from the kids first day of Friday School.


P.S. The cat picture at the top is our cat. Dancer and I have a lot of fun dressing up our cats.